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Accessibility law for PWD
March 4,2020
In the last years several new laws were created to help persons with disabilities (PWD). Some examples are: Section 508 or Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the USA, or the European Union Law EU 301549 Did you know that just over 15% of have a disability?
Visual disabilities reduce one`s ability to see clearly. Very few people are totally blind. Many have limited vision such as tunnel vision, where a person has a loss of peripheral or side vision, or a lack of central vision, which means they cannot see straight ahead. Some can see the outline of objects while others can see the direction of light. Visual Disabilities can restrict your customers` abilities to read signs, locate landmarks or see hazards. In some cases, it may be difficult to tell if a person has a visual disability. Others may use a guide dog or white cane. For more tips click here