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Sweden Web Accessibility

In Sweden, web accessibility is governed by the Swedish Discrimination Act (Diskrimineringslagen) and the Web Accessibility Directive, also known as EN 301549.

The E.U. Web Accessibility Directive was enacted in 2016, ratified by the E.U. Parliament and the Council of the E.U. It primarily applies to government agencies but does have consequences for private organizations as well. As of today, all public sector bodies in E.U. Member States must comply with EN 301549 standards, including Sweden.

The Swedish Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination based on disability and mandates equal access to goods, services, and information. Although the act does not specifically address web accessibility, it establishes a legal framework that promotes inclusivity and accessibility.

As for the European Web Accessibility Directive, Sweden has transposed it into national law. The Swedish version of the directive is called "Lagen om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service" (The Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services). This law requires public sector websites and mobile applications to meet specific accessibility standards.

Under the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services, public sector organizations are required to comply with the accessibility standards specified in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 AA level. The law covers websites and mobile applications providing public services, including government agencies, municipalities, and healthcare providers.

To monitor compliance, the Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG) is responsible for overseeing and enforcing web accessibility requirements. DIGG provides guidance, conducts audits, and monitors the accessibility of public sector websites and digital services.

While the legal requirements primarily focus on the public sector, web accessibility is encouraged and promoted across all sectors in Sweden. Following WCAG 2.2 AA guidelines is considered a best practice for both public and private sector websites, ensuring equal access to information and services for individuals with disabilities.

It’s important to stay updated with any new laws, regulations, or guidelines related to web accessibility in Sweden by consulting the latest official sources or accessibility organizations.

At EqualWeb, we recommend you remediate and audit your website against WCAG 2.2 guidelines to avoid any legal risk and to open your doors to the large population of individuals living with disabilities.

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