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ADA standards

Screen reader compatibility refers to the ability of a website or software to be accessed and used effectively by people who rely on screen readers. Screen readers are software programs that read out the contents of a computer screen to users who are blind or visually impaired, allowing them to navigate and interact with digital content using only their keyboard or a braille display.

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Alt text optimization is the process of ensuring that all images on a website have descriptive and accurate alternative text (also known as Alt Text) that can be read by screen readers and other assistive technologies. Alt Text is used to provide a textual alternative to images for users who are visually impaired or otherwise unable to view the image content.

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Inclusive design is an approach to web accessibility that seeks to create products and services that are accessible and usable by the broadest possible audience, including people with disabilities. The concept of inclusive design recognizes that everyone has different needs and preferences, and seeks to accommodate those differences through design.

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In the web accessibility field we hear a lot about assistive technology. But people without disabilities will be mostly ignorant about what assistive technology actually is, as well as what constitutes assistive technology. So let us break down for you the meaning of assistive technology, how important it is, and what your role, as the providers of goods and services to individuals with impairments, is for compatibility with assistive technologies.

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